Code Of Conduct

School Uniform


Boys:- Sky blue T-shirt and Grey chequered Half Pants

Girls: - Sky blue T-Shirt and Grey pleated chequered Skirt, Tights.


Boys & Girls: - Sky Blue T shirt and Grey Trousers

PE uniform

T-shirt of house colour & Navy blue Track Pant with house color piping). Grey Hoodie and Grey socks for all grades.

Martial Arts Uniform (for students from CPI to Checkpoint II)

Pant, Jacket, White T-shirt


Black shoes for regular school as well as for PE.

July till September: Plain Black sandals / Black crocs

From October onwards: Black School Shoes only

Velcro FOR CPI-V.
Checkpoint onwards- Black shoes with laces.


  • Regularity and punctuality in attendance of the student are prerequisite for his / her continued association with the School.
  • Late arrivals in the class and early departures from the class will not be permitted except in case of an emergency. In both instances, either of the parents should escort the child.
  • Attendance on the opening day after vacation is mandatory.
  • Attendance of 80 % and above is mandatory.

Leave Of Absence

  • No pupil should be absent without prior permission. Application for leave should be submitted at least one day in advance, except in an emergency.
  • Attendance till the last day of a term is compulsory. Request for permission to leave before that date or to extend the holiday after the commencement of a new term will be entertained only in case of emergency.
  • Unauthorized absence from the school for a month or more renders the student's name to be struck off the roll.
  • A student reporting to school after availing leave of absence will be allowed to attend school only if he/she carries a leave note duly signed by the parent.
  • Leave notes for absence of more than 3 days or medical leave (with medical certificate attached) should bear the Name, Grade, Division, of the student on a foolscap sheet and addressed to the Principal
  • Attendance on all the important days like Annual Day, Sports Day and any other day specified by the school is mandatory.
  • If a student is selected for Independence Day / Republic Day celebrations, he / she must compulsorily attend school on that day.


Those who avail of the school transport are expected to bear in mind the following points

  • All complaints should be sent in writing/email to Asst. General Manager Ms. Savita Shetty on the Ground Floor Office. Email ID :
  • Parents/guardians are expected not to enter into any argument with the bus driver or attendant.
  • No letters / applications / cash / cheques should be sent to school through the driver / attendant of the bus.
  • Once the transport facility has been extended to the student, the entire year's transport charge will necessarily have to be paid, even if the student discontinues the use of school transport at any time during the course of the academic year.
  • The school bus will pick up the child and drop him / her at fixed points only.
  • No student will use the school bus if such facility has not been granted by the school.
  • No student shall deface or damage the bus in any way. Any damage done to the bus will have to be made good by the parents / guardians of the defaulter. In addition, the bus facility will be immediately withdrawn for the erring student.
  • Students are expected to conduct themselves with discipline and decorum while on their way to and from school.

Identity Cards

  • Students are required to wear an Identity Card on them all the time. Fresh Identity Cards will be issued for each academic year and will be valid for the year only. Loss of Identity cards must be reported immediately through a written application. A Fresh Identity card will be issued at an extra cost of Rs. 100/-
  • A parent identity card is issued for each family. Parents are requested to carry the parent card whenever they visit school.

Health, Sickness & Accidents

The health and safety of our students is a matter of concern to the school and hence we have strict policies regarding the same.

  • All pupils are advised to be protected against Cholera, Typhoid, Tetanus and Hepatitis. Children below the age of 10 years should also be protected against Whooping Cough, Diphtheria and Polio.
  • Students who are convalescing after an infectious disease or are exposed to any infectious disease will be allowed to attend school only after permission is obtained from a doctor. The school reserves the right to confirm the fitness from a medical practitioner.
  • In case of chicken pox, the child has to compulsorily stay home for two weeks
  • In case of accidents or emergencies during School hours, casualties will be taken to the nearest hospital and the parents will be informed as soon as possible.
  • In case of prolonged illness of a student, the parent / guardian must send a written intimation and inform the School. A medical certificate should be enclosed along with the letter.
  • In the interest of the other students, the school reserves the right to deny permission to attend the school in case a child has not fully recovered.

Personal Counselling

When necessary, a pupil will be asked to consult a Counsellor / Clinical Psychologist or a Special Educator who will work closely with the parent and teachers in order to help the child improve.

Library Rules

The school library is a temple of learning and is accessible to all students. Students are expected to maintain discipline and silence and revere the books and resource material. The rules of the library need to be strictly observed at all times.

  • Only one book at a time will be issued on appointed days.
  • Students are allowed to keep the library book for two weeks.
  • Students shall handle the books carefully. Damaged or lost books shall have to be replaced by the students.
  • Before the book is returned to the Library, the necessary entry must be made in the Almanac on the page reserved for the same.
  • Students must return the Library Books 15 days before examinations
  • The Library will remain open for students and parents on Saturdays from 9.00 am to 12 noon

Internet / Multimedia

The school is a wifi enabled campus. Students are advised to use the internet very carefully keeping in mind that cyber crime is a punishable offence. The School has an established Drug Policy and Child Protection Policy including the Anti Bullying Policy. The policy will be shared with the parents in the beginning of the Academic year. Parents and students are advised to access the following links and read the policy documents

Co-curricular Activities

Students are expected to participate wholeheartedly in co-curricular activities and maintain utmost discipline


Students are expected to participate in outdoor activities with sportsman spirit and obey the instructions of the Sports Teacher. During school hours, no student is permitted to go to the playground unless accompanied by a teacher.

Field Trips And Excursions

Students are encouraged to join excursions and field trips arranged for them by the school and treat these as a part of their learning.

Project Work Policy

Projects help the students to explore research and enhance creativity. Students are expected to complete the projects on their own and submit them on time. Rubrics for each project will be given by the teacher.

House System

To foster the spirit of camaraderie and instill a sense of belonging among the students, the school has installed four houses.

  • Summer - Yellow House
  • Autumn - Red House
  • Winter - Blue House
  • Spring - Green House

Each student is allotted a particular house at the beginning of the academic year. The school organizes a number of inter house competitions and encourages competitive spirit among the students.